
Today's software makes it so easy to set up a blog that it seems like everybody and their neighbor has a blog. Yes, they are a fad right now. And yes, they are a great business tool for any business, large or small – and they're here to stay. Especially for the independent professional, a blog is an easy communication tool to build credibility and trust. Most importantly, blogs make it easy for people to find you on the Web.But 9 out of 10 blogs created will be abandoned because they can take up a lot of time in a busy professional’s life, and results may not be evident right away.There are several keys to making your blog work for you, instead of the other way around. Once you learn and integrate these steps, it should take you only 10-20 minutes per post. It's recommended that an additional 20 minutes a couple of times per week should be spent reading and commenting on other blogs and sites on the Web so you can bring valuable information to your readers.7 Secrets to a Successful Business Blog1. Write valuable content and share stories to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Don’t forget to explain how you work with clients and let readers know how to contact you, hire you, buy a product or register for your services.2. Write 2-3 times a week, short articles of 250-350 words each time. Occasionally, a longer article can be shared, using the extended post feature.3. Link profusely to other resources on the web. This is essential for building traffic and enlarging your reading audience. Spend some time, 2-3 times a week researching your area of expertise on the Web. Leave comments on other blogs. 4. Submit to blog directories and ping each time you post. If you don’t know how to do this, get a blog coach or buy and read an instructional manual, such as the ebook at 5. Track and monitor your visitor stats. Install a counter on your blog so you know what’s happening. For example, a free counter can be found at 6. List all your products and affiliate products and make sure you have the landing pages properly linked. Use your affiliate links and ad-tracking features if you have a shopping cart. 7. Don’t forget to link to your own website and vice versa! This is one reason we prefer to have the blog separate from your website, rather than installing blog software incorporated into your website. It’s like having two fishing poles in the pond.Like any marketing effort, persistence pays off. In six months of regular blogging, assuming you are providing valuable content, you should see a significant increase in your web site traffic, the client leads, and overall total revenue for your business.If not, you’re not blogging smart!Article Tags: Successful BusinessSource: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.comABOUT THE AUTHORAs the The Blog Squad, Patsi Krakoff and Denise Wakeman have teamed up to work with professionals to maximize their marketing strategies by implementing blogs, ezines and ecommerce tactics. They have co-authored "Build a Better Blog: The Ultimate Guide for Boosting Your Business with a Professional Blog"," Confessions of a Reluctant Blogger: From Boring to Brilliant in 30 Days" and "Secrets of Successful Ezines: A Guide to Writing and Publishing an Ezine that Gets Results." Get The Blog Squad's free report on the "Top 10 Reasons to do an Ezine and A Blog":

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