
You want to become a webmaster creating websites? Congratulations you just found a website where you got all this information gathered.
If you are just starting, don't be alarmed at the amount of information that exists on the 4earnmoney, so here is a quick guide to get a general idea of what you need to do to get sites.
Read this Quick guide to the end, to understand everything step by step, after you can follow the links for more information about what interested you most.
So You only need to develop the 4 topics below...

This is your first problem, because you must choose a central theme for your site. So you have to think on a theme that will not be to mutch developed from others on the internet to reach the sucess follow the next link:Choose a Theme

Register your domain name
This is the address of your website ( and is essential for users to discover. Normally domains are purchased each year. Learn More for registering a domain

Select a webhosting
After Register a Domain you need to choose a place to host your files and will respond when a user types the address of your website in the browser.
WebHousing is not expensive, more lower than the cost of a daily coffee, But You can choose between a free or a paying hosting. Folow the next Link to know how to do it: Web Hosting

Build your new webpage
To build your new website we will show you some tools to create websites easily without having technical knowledge but if you want to create the pages individually and build the site from Zero, you will need software such as Dreamweaver or Coffecup, which are very popular among advanced webdesigners.
To use software, you must learn to plan to build a quality site. Next link shows how to build your new webpage

Want to be paid with your website?
You can make money, big money with Google AdSense
One of the simplest forms of advertising to use and can also be the most beneficial if used in certain places.

Want to create a website or a blog?
If you do not know the difference between a website and a blog, or do not know very well what will be the most effective for your project, you must find out before.
You may even need to have both simultaneously!

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